Did you know this about choices? Devotional Commentary

By Practical Christianity Foundation, (PCF)

Jesus frequently stopped at his favorite home in Bethany whenever He visited Jerusalem. He spent time with Lazarus and his two sisters Martha and Mary.

It was during one of such visits that Martha came to Jesus and complained about her sister Mary. Martha, the duty-bound busy-as-a-bee compulsive and bustling homemaker, came to Jesus and asked Him to tell her sister Mary to help her entertain the guests as He was teaching the people gathered at the house.

She was not happy that Mary was, at least in Martha's opinion, taking advantage of Jesus' presence chilling nonchalantly while she, Martha, labored to keep the fire burning. She was bothered that Jesus did not say anything about it to Mary. She probably felt that no one was concerned about her.

Jesus told Martha that she was unduly burdened by her duties so much, that she was missing out on the more important matters of what she needed to do. Mary had made the right and godly choice and nothing would be taken away from her.

Jesus did not condemn Martha for what she was doing. But He told her that she made a choice which kept her away from what she needed to do—listen to Jesus as He taught Mary and the rest of the guests.

So, if what we feel obligated to do interferes with the right and godly choice we must make, then we should prayerfully seek the Lord's guidance and continue with a godly order of our priorities. To everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.

Beware and be wise to always make the right and godly choice, not just the correct choice.

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