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John 3:1-7 - Not just curious, yet God said: Devotional meditation for April 21-27

In our two most recent meditations from Hebrews chapter one, we noted that God ultimately spoke through His Son Jesus Christ. Just what did God say through His Son Jesus Christ? The next series of meditations will focus on what God said through His Son Jesus Christ. John 3:1-7 (GW) This is the Word of God. May the Spirit of Truth give us wisdom and insight to receive what has been conveyed through…

John 3:8-15 - God revealed His Truth through Jesus: Devotional Meditation for April 28-May 4

John 3:8–15 (GW) This is the Word of God. May the Spirit of Truth give us wisdom and insight to receive what has been conveyed through His Word by His Inspiration.Who or what can separate us from the Love of God?! 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you don’t know where the wind comes from or where it’s going. That’s the way it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” The…

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