By Practical Christianity Foundation, (PCF)

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commissioned His disciples to Go into Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth and make disciples, baptizing and teaching all nations everything He taught and commanded them. When one looks at the discussions around the Great Commission, the question which is often raised is whether Jesus launched His disciples into a missionary journey as He did two-by-two when they were in Galilee, or instructed them to make disciples as they went on living and serving as His disciples. To some, such debates are semantics and, therefore, irrelevant. to others, these unique semantic nuances are important because they tell us what exactly Jesus meant when He issued the Great Commission and other instructions.
While such discussions might in some ways help clarify certain issues, the more pressing question about the Great Commission ought to be what Jesus meant when He tasked His disciples with the mission of making disciples through teaching and baptizing. In other words, what did Jesus expect from His disciples when He commissioned them to go and make disciples? Surprise! We say, nothing! He did not expect anything from His disciples except to obey Him. Even that is to be accomplished by His Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
Jesus couched His statement with two significant affirmations that are essential to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. He said that "all power and authority is given to Him" and that He will "be with them to the end." He also said "to make disciples" but not to save or redeem. That means, that He alone does the saving and the making of disciples through our service to Him. Furthermore, our service to Him and in His name will accomplish God's purpose and plan regardless of who we are or what our limitations might be.
So, it is not up to us, but it is through us!
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