Did you know this about Mother Teresa? Mother Teresa said: People are often unreasonable and self-centered, forgive them anyway! If you are kind, they may accuse you of ulterior motive, be kind anyway! If you are honest, people might cheat you, be honest anyway! If you find happiness, people might be jealous, be happy anyway! The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow, do good anyway! Give…
Did you know this about Bible study?
Did you know that doctrine without practice is dead, and, practice without knowledge is toilsome and spiritually deadly? To many of us, Bible study is becoming increasingly less attractive. Statements such as: "No one really has all the answers, open to interpretation, tried and tried don't seem to make much sense, nothing is clear, all that matters is that I am saved, don't need to take what someone…
Did you know this about King David?
David was appointed and anointed by God to be the king of Israel following Saul. There was one consistent factor on the human level which firmly established David's kingdom. when the chief princes and men of war from each tribe came to confess their allegiance to David, he would not accept them until they declared that they were of one mind and undivided heart. David realized that, unless the nation…
Did you know this about God and yourself?
Did you know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God?Did you know that there is nothing about us that is not known to God?Did you know that we always live and act in God's uninterrupted presence?Did you know that we were skillfully and amazingly woven into a living soul in our mother's womb as we were created by God's divine hands?Did you know that our unformed substance was in God's possession…
Did you know this about Jesus Christ and the Passover meal?
Did you know that, while every Jewish household held the Passover meal at their own home, our Lord Jesus and His disciples held the Last Supper—New Covenant meal—in a borrowed home and in a city that wasn't their own?The Passover meal pointed to a past experience. But the New Covenant meal pointed to the future sure hope we have in Jesus Christ!
Did you know this about D. L. Moody?
D. L. Moody said: People's problem with religion is that they spell religion different from how I do it. I spell religion "D! O! N! E!", (emphasis added), because my salvation is completely done through the finished work of Christ. There is nothing left for me to do.Others spell religion as "d o" because they expect to keep on "doing" until they earn salvation.So, is it "done" for you,or,are you toiling…
Did you know this about the Psalms?
Did you know that the Psalms are viewed by many as the summary of the Bible? the Psalms are a rich collection of songs, poetry, prayers, praises, doctrine, inspiration, history, prophecy, et., inspired and authored by the Holy Spirit. The majority of the Psalms are penned by king David the son of Jesse, and, Solomon's father. Other authors include Moses and Asaph.The Psalms are presented in 150 chapters…