By Practical Christianity Foundation, (PCF)

Leviticus is the third book of the Old Testament following Genesis and Exodus. It is a book of laws and ordinances of the Temple given to the nation Israel when it was first formed under the leadership of Moses.
After God set them free from Egyptian bondage, the children of Israel were led to Mount Horeb in Sinai where they met with God and worshipped Him. A Theocracy was formed there and a priestly government was established.
Two major institutions were formed when the people were incorporated into a nation of God's people. Once the work of the tabernacle was completed, the governing laws of the religious, social, cultural, economic, and political life of the nation were published mainly in Leviticus and the other books of the law.
Also, the Tribe of Levi was set apart as the tribe which is responsible for taking care of the tabernacle and the ministry of the Temple. Levi was chosen to serve God in the temple and was appointed to be the priestly tribe out of the nation's twelve tribes. Leviticus contains the laws and detailed regulations of the Levitical priestly order for the exercise of worship in the temple, the rites and the sacrifices to be observed, the yearly festivals to be held as the national occasion of worship, the dietary guidelines for clean and healthy eating, and the applied law in the administration of the affairs of the nation in other areas.
Besides the Law proclaimed in Exodus chapters 20-23, and in various chapters of the books of the Law such as Numbers and Deuteronomy, the book of Leviticus serves as the first Constitution of the nation of Israel covering both the administrative and the religious aspects of the people.
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