By Practical Christianity Foundation, (PCF)

Oh child of God, did you know this about yourself?
Because we are descendants of the fallen Adam, we are all born sinners.
When God out of His sovereign pleasure decided to save us from His judgment, He sent the Holy Spirit and brought us over from darkness to light and from death to life, inspiring in our convicted hearts a penitent spirit by which we received His grace and mercy of salvation.
Having redeemed us, God continues to teach us His Word through various godly means and leads us without fail to all Truths by the Holy Spirit, making us His disciples.
Having been made disciples of Jesus Christ, God commissioned us to be His witnesses, making us His servants.
Having loved us enough to make us His own, God made us friends to His Son, fulfilling His joy in us.
Having filled our hearts with His love, God gave us strength and courage to stand firm in our witness for Him, making us worthy to suffer for His sake.
Having risen as the firstfruit out of the grave through His magnificent bodily resurrection, Jesus Christ made us worthy of resurrection unto eternal life with Him, making us brothers and sisters to Himself.
Having prepared for us a place of eternal reward at His Father's house, Jesus promised that we will be with Him forever, making us joint-heirs of heaven's eternal intheritance with Jesus.
So if we know that we were once lost children of disobedience but now are sinners saved by grace, if we know that we are the redeemed of God, if we know that we are disciples of Jesus Christ, if we know that we are servants of the Most High, if we know that we are brothers and sisters of the Victor, if we know that we are joint-heirs of the Son of God, then why do we wear ourselves down looking for a temporal and perishable identity?
Oh child of God, do you know who you are in Jesus Christ?
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