By Practical Christianity Foundation, (PCF)
Did you know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God?
Did you know that there is nothing about us that is not known to God?
Did you know that we always live and act in God's uninterrupted presence?
Did you know that we were skillfully and amazingly woven into a living soul in our mother's womb as we were created by God's divine hands?
Did you know that our unformed substance was in God's possession and recorded in His book before we were ever created?
Did you know that the totality of the days of our entire life were ordained and numbered by God before we ever experienced them?
Did you know that even the hairs on our heads are numbered by God?
Did you know that no one, no power, no circumstance, or nothing at all in the past, present, or future can ever take us out of God's hands?
Isn't such knowledge too wonderful to fathom with our finite mind?
Is there any reason not to surrender to God and seek His renewal?
Is there any reason not to trust Him?