By Practical Christianity Foundation, (PCF)

Joseph Sohm /
So far, we have been having conversation with you, our readers, on some significant points relating to the various aspects of the traits and characters which define our way of life as God's children. We have shared what we have learned from the Scriptures about forgiveness, fear, disappointment, expectations, healing, studying the Word of God, etc., hoping to cultivate the love for God's truth in our hearts so that we might continue to mature in our faith. We all know that our Lord said that it is His Truth which sets us free. So, we love to invite you to come along with us as we meditate upon the uplifting words of the Psalmist as the Author of his words describes to us the godly attributes of the person who have been made worthy in Jesus Christ to abide at God's Holy Hill. In the end, we encourage you to search your soul and commune with God in a quiet moment of exclusive fellowship and affirm within yourself whether you reflect such godly persona both at home and in the marketplace.
Here is what David said about those who have been made worthy in Jesus Christ to live at God’s “Holy Hill”:
A Psalm of David
This is the Word of God, and, we are His children redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb of God. We are the temple of God in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. We are being sanctified by God's Truth. His Word is Truth. So, what the Psalmist said must be true in our lives.
May the Holy Spirit's enlightening guidance and revelation show us the dark corners in our lives so that, by His power, we might be cleansed and set free from the grips of hidden shenanigans. then, we respond in obedience and rejoice in the sanctifying work of God's Truth in our hearts. May we be able to work-out in fear and trembling the salvation that God has worked-in into our souls. If by God's grace and strength we bow before Him in faith and obedience, then we can stand before any man or earthly authority. So help us god!
In case you just swiftly read over what you just read: By God's grace and providence, we work-out what He has worked-in. If we bow before Him, we shall stand before anyone, at anytime, anywhere!
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