by Practical Christianity Foundation (PCF)
There is no shortage of chores for you to complete throughout the week. From cleaning the house, to mowing the lawn, it can be easy to overlook the most important activity of all; nourishing your soul. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, this is perhaps more important than ever. It is absolutely necessary for you to make time in your schedule for a daily devotional. The following tips and suggestions will make doing so a little easier for you and we encourage you to give them a try.
- Recognize your need for spiritual nourishment: Examine your heart and spirit and surrender yourself to a serious and sincere commitment to nurture your soul with the admonitions of the living Word of God. To a redeemed child of God, the only true source for godly wisdom and guidance is the Word of God. Starving one's soul and spirit would make one's hearing and discernment dull toward God. Such behavior is an ungodly practice which should not be true of the child of God. This is a personal commitment you should make to yourself as you surrender to God and lean on Him for strength, because you recognize the spiritual starvation your soul is suffering. No one can make this decision for you. You must sense within your being the emptiness of your soul as the Holy Spirit stirrs up within yourself the hunger for God's Word.
- Make an assessment of your time allocation for your daily tasks: Carefully review both your fixed and flexible time allocation for work, family, personal, and other activities and identify a span of time you can fre-up to be alone with God by devoting your time to prayer and the reading of His Word.
- Set a time for daily devotion: Make a note of the time you have identified above and Mark it on your daily calendar as the exclusive moment between God and yourself. This can be in the morning before you head to work, during your lunch hour, or in the evening before you go to bed at the end of the day. Always remember that this is not just another time for one more activity. It is a sacred moment between you and your heavenly Father. Your total attention is completely surrendered to Him, and Him alone. This is a time of exclusive communion between God and you, His redeemed child. Alone with Him, you pray, study, worship, plead, cry, rejoice; be touched, blessed, exhorted, disciplined, corrected, encouraged, and in short, experience a personal moment of undisrrupted communion.
- Find a quiet place for your time of devotional studies: Identify a special place where you feel you would be able to focus without being interrupted or destracted by other activities, family members, or friends. This is a significant and meaningful place where you can commit exclusive attention to God and what He does in your heart through His Word. Be extremely careful that you do not make this place or habit into an idol which will slowly take the place of God in your heart. Remember that God is irreplaceable. To have an idol is displeasing to God with Whom you are trying to fellowship. Whether it is a park, your bed, or your favorite armchair, pick a place where you will spend that special daily moment with God in His Word.
- Determine for yourself the length of your daily devotional time: You can study for as little as 15 minutes, or a few hours. Whatever you decide, be sure you stick to it so that it becomes a habit you look forward to. Do not bite off what you cannot chew. It is okay to start small and grow into something rich and exhillarating!
- Be consciously aware of what you are engaged in: Be perceptive and discerning as you pray and read the Bible and meditate on the lessons the Holy Spirit is teaching you. Only the Holy Spirit can teach you the truth in the Word you will be reading. Remember, you are never evaluating the Word as you read the Word in your daily devotion, but it is God Who God Who searches your soul through His word. Be aware of what God is revealing to you through the reading and studying of His Word by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray at the beginning, during, and at the end of your time of devotional study. Pray to consciously and deliberately enter into the sacred presence of God and to tune out everything else. Conduct your reading and studies in a prayerful mindset seeking God's wisdom in understanding His Word. And pray to close your devotional session asking God to make His Word alive in you.
The Practical Christianity Foundation, (PCF), would be happy to help you find the right tools and materials to use during your daily devotional time. We invite you to contact us with your questions and to discover the many ways we can help you get the most out of your daily devotionals and Bible studies.