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Bible Commentary & Devotional Resources

We are Practical Christianity Foundation located in Odessa Florida. We were organized as a not-for-profit research Foundation in 1997 and started operations in February 1998.

Practical Christianity Foundation is a not-for-profit research Foundation committed to producing an easy-to-read Devotional Bible commentary series on the books of the Bible. As a not-for-profit research Foundation, our goal is to serve the global community in matters of faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ by producing the Holy Scriptures in an easy-to-read and easy-to-comprehend presentation packaged in conveniently designed individual paperback volumes and digital publication in Kindle and Epub formats.

Each Devotional Commentary is designed to be one hundred percent portable so that the believer can always have it in hand for immediate and on the spot use of at least one copy of the Holy Scriptures with helpful study and devotional thoughts. The textual layout is also practical and convenient. The comments appear immediately following the text of each verse. Following each section of verses and comments, several paragraphs of “Notes/Applications” interspersed with helpful “Dig Deeper” boxes are offered to help draw some helpful conclusions and points of application of the biblical truths just discussed in the preceding section.

The commentaries' thoughts and writings are interpretive. However, the essence of the work is devotional. Each paragraph is a result of deep personal meditation and collaborative deliberation. Each Devotional Commentary is diligently compared with other original works to avoid unhealthy deviation from godly insights handed down by godly teachers through the ages. Our objective is to stir up godly love for God’s truth in the believer’s heart. Our prayer is that both our work and the believer’s heart would be inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit. We offer each thought and comment prayerfully, asking God that He would graciously reveal His truth to the reader.

Bible Commentary, Devotional Co-Publisher We are able to provide you with select copies of this great Bible commentary series thanks to our co-publisher, Creation House.

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